What Do Mini Dachshunds Hunt? | How to Manage Their Instincts

Mini dachshunds are cute and cuddly dogs that make great pets, but they were originally bred for hunting. If you’re considering bringing one of these dogs into your home, you might be curious about what they were bred to hunt and whether their hunting instincts can be a problem. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what mini dachshunds hunt and how to prevent problem behaviors.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mini dachshunds were bred to hunt small prey that lives underground.
  • Their strong hunting instincts can be managed with exercise, mental stimulation, and training.
  • With the right approach, mini dachshunds can make wonderful pets that bring joy and companionship to your life.

What do mini dachshunds hunt?

If you’re considering getting a mini dachshund, one thing you might be curious about is what they’re bred to hunt. After all, dachshund translates to “badger dog” in German, so it’s clear that they were originally bred for hunting purposes. But what specifically do mini dachshunds hunt, and is this something you should be concerned about if you’re bringing one into your home?

Small prey that lives underground

First of all, it’s important to understand that mini dachshunds were bred to hunt small prey that lives underground, such as badgers, rabbits, and other burrowing animals. This is why they have a long, slender body and short legs – it allows them to fit into tight spaces and maneuver underground.

Strong hunting instincts

With my mini dachshund, I’ve found that their hunting instincts are particularly strong when it comes to digging. Dachshunds love to dig, and they’ll often try to dig up anything that’s buried in the ground. This can be a problem if you have a garden or yard that you don’t want destroyed.

Related: Can Miniature Dachshunds Be Left Alone?

Preventing problem behaviors

To prevent this behavior, it’s important to provide your mini dachshund with plenty of opportunities for exercise and mental stimulation. Take them for walks, play fetch, and give them toys and puzzles to keep them occupied. By keeping your dog physically and mentally engaged, you can help prevent them from digging up your yard or destroying your belongings.

Vocal nature

Another thing to keep in mind is that mini dachshunds are very vocal animals. They love to bark, and they’ll often do so when they’re excited, anxious, or when they sense danger. While this can be endearing at times, it can also be a problem if your dog barks excessively and disturbs your neighbors.

Training your mini dachshund

To prevent excessive barking, it’s important to train your mini dachshund from a young age. Teach them to obey basic commands like “sit” and “stay,” and reward them when they behave well. Additionally, you can use positive reinforcement techniques like clicker training to teach your dog to be quiet on command.

Related: Are Mini Dachshunds Dumb?

Enjoying your mini dachshund

Overall, while mini dachshunds were originally bred for hunting, they can make wonderful pets with the right training and socialization. By being aware of their hunting instincts and taking steps to prevent problem behaviors, you can enjoy all the joys of owning a mini dachshund without any of the drawbacks.

So if you’re considering getting a mini dachshund, don’t let their hunting instincts scare you off. With a little bit of effort and patience, you can train them to be a loving and well-behaved member of your family. And who knows – maybe they’ll even catch a few mice along the way!


Mini dachshunds are lovable dogs that were originally bred for hunting small prey that lives underground. While their hunting instincts can be strong, it’s possible to prevent problem behaviors by providing plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, training them from a young age, and using positive reinforcement techniques. With a little bit of effort and patience, you can enjoy all the joys of owning a mini dachshund without any of the drawbacks. So if you’re considering getting a mini dachshund, don’t let their hunting instincts scare you off – with the right approach, they can make wonderful pets that will bring joy and companionship to your life.