Are Mini Dachshunds Easy To Train?

Mini Dachshunds are intelligent and courageous dogs that have captured the hearts of many pet owners. However, some people may wonder if these dogs are easy to train. In this article, we will provide tips and tricks on how to train mini Dachshunds effectively. With patience and consistency, you can train your mini Dachshund to be a well-behaved and obedient companion.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Learn why mini dachshunds have a reputation for being difficult to train
  2. Discover 5 tips for effectively training your mini dachshund, including positive reinforcement and short training sessions
  3. Get a list of the top 20 commands to teach your mini dachshund

Can a dachshund be trained?

Many people may think that mini Dachshunds are difficult to train due to their independent and mischievous nature. However, this is a misconception. Mini Dachshunds were originally bred as hunting dogs, which means they have a strong instinct to chase and hunt prey. This instinct can make them stubborn and determined, but it also means they are intelligent and willing to learn.

Mini Dachshunds are smart and can be trained with positive reinforcement. They respond well to treats and praise, and they enjoy learning new things. With the right training techniques, you can teach your mini Dachshund to obey commands, walk on a leash, and even perform tricks.

Why do mini dachshunds have a reputation for being difficult to train?

One of the biggest challenges of training a mini Dachshund is housebreaking or potty training. Mini Dachshunds can be difficult to housebreak because they have a small bladder and need to go outside frequently. However, this difficulty does not mean they are challenging to train in other areas. Mini Dachshunds are quick learners and can be trained to do many things.

Repetition is the key to training mini Dachshunds. They need to hear commands over and over again to understand what you want them to do. It may take longer to train a mini Dachshund compared to other breeds, but with patience and consistency, you can achieve great results.

Related: How To Safely Hold a Mini Dachshund

5 tips for training mini dachshunds

Use positive reinforcement training

Positive reinforcement training is the most effective way to train mini Dachshunds. Punishment and fear-based training methods are not recommended as they can damage the bond between you and your dog. Instead, focus on rewarding good behavior with treats, praise, and playtime. Mini Dachshunds are food-motivated, so using treats like chicken, cheese, or their favorite meat can be a great way to encourage good behavior.

Use high-value rewards

In addition to treats, playing fetch can be an excellent reward for a mini Dachshund. Mini Dachshunds love to play and chase things, so incorporating playtime into training sessions can be fun for both you and your dog. You can also use toys or games as rewards to keep your mini Dachshund engaged and motivated.

Eliminate distractions from the training environment

Mini Dachshunds can be easily distracted, so it’s important to create a quiet and distraction-free environment for training. Closing blinds, turning off the TV, and moving to a quiet room can help your mini Dachshund focus on you and the training session. You should also eliminate any potential distractions like other pets, toys, or food.

Keep training sessions short

Mini dachshunds have short attention spans, so it’s important to keep training sessions short and focused. Aim for training sessions that last no more than 5 minutes, and try to schedule several sessions throughout the day rather than one long session. This can help your mini dachshund stay focused and engaged, and it can also prevent them from becoming bored or frustrated.

Be consistent

Consistency is key to training any dog, and mini dachshunds are no exception. Make sure to use the same commands and reward system every time you train your dog, and be patient if it takes time for them to learn. It’s also important to keep practicing commands regularly, even after your mini dachshund has mastered them. This can help reinforce good behavior and prevent bad habits from forming.

Related: Can Miniature Dachshunds Jump Off Couches?

Best commands to teach your mini dachshund

Teaching your mini Dachshund some basic commands is crucial for their safety and your sanity. Here are 20 essential commands that every mini Dachshund should know:

  1. Sit – Teach your mini Dachshund to sit on command. This is one of the most basic commands that is easy to teach and can be used to control your dog’s behavior.
  2. Stay – This command is important to keep your mini Dachshund in one place until released. It’s helpful for when you need to keep your dog out of trouble or keep them from running out of the door.
  3. Come – The come command is crucial for recall and getting your dog’s attention. It can be used to bring your mini Dachshund back to you in emergency situations.
  4. Down – Teaching your mini Dachshund to lie down on command is essential. This command can be used to calm your dog or as a way to control their behavior in public.
  5. Leave it – This command can be used to stop your mini Dachshund from eating or playing with something they shouldn’t.
  6. Off – This command is useful for when your mini Dachshund jumps up on people or furniture.
  7. Drop it – This command is used to get your mini Dachshund to drop whatever is in their mouth. It’s helpful when your dog has picked up something dangerous.
  8. Heel – This command teaches your mini Dachshund to walk calmly beside you without pulling on the leash.
  9. Wait – This command is useful for when you need your mini Dachshund to stop and wait for you before proceeding.
  10. Okay – This command is used to release your mini Dachshund from a stay or wait command.
  11. Roll over – This fun command is a great way to bond with your mini Dachshund and teach them new tricks.
  12. Speak – Teaching your mini Dachshund to bark on command is a fun trick that can also be used to deter intruders.
  13. Quiet – This command is used to stop your mini Dachshund from barking. It’s a useful command for when your dog is barking excessively.
  14. Fetch – This command can be used to exercise your mini Dachshund and keep them entertained.
  15. Shake – This command is a fun way to greet your mini Dachshund and teach them a new trick.
  16. Spin – This command is a fun way to teach your mini Dachshund to spin in a circle.
  17. Jump – This command can be used to teach your mini Dachshund to jump over obstacles or onto furniture.
  18. Find it – This command can be used to teach your mini Dachshund to find hidden treats or toys.
  19. Go potty – Teaching your mini Dachshund to go potty on command can be useful when you’re traveling or in a rush.
  20. Bed – This command is used to get your mini Dachshund to go to their bed or crate. It’s useful for when you need to keep your dog out of the way or when it’s time for them to go to sleep.

These are just some of the basic commands that every mini Dachshund should know. Teaching these commands to your mini Dachshund will make your life easier and keep your dog safe. Remember to use positive reinforcement and keep training sessions short and consistent.


Mini dachshunds are smart, playful, and courageous dogs that make wonderful pets. While they can be challenging to train in some areas, such as housebreaking, with patience and consistency, it is possible to train them effectively. By using positive reinforcement, high-value rewards, and a distraction-free environment, you can help your mini dachshund learn new behaviors and commands. Remember to keep training sessions short and focused, and to be patient and consistent as you work with your furry friend. With time and practice, you’ll be amazed at what your mini dachshund can achieve.