Why Does My Mini Dachshund Shake? 7 Possible Causes

If you’re a proud mini dachshund owner, you might have noticed that your furry friend occasionally shakes or shivers. While this behavior might seem harmless at first, it can be a sign of underlying issues that need to be addressed. In fact, shaking is one of the most common symptoms that mini dachshund owners report to their vets. As such, it’s essential to understand why your mini dachshund shakes and what you can do to help them.

The reasons for a mini dachshund’s shaking can be physical or behavioral. Cold weather, nervousness, or medical conditions like hypoglycemia, pain, or seizures can be physical reasons for shaking. Behavioral reasons, on the other hand, may include excitement, fear, submission, or attention-seeking.

In this article, we’ll delve deeper into the reasons why mini dachshunds shake, how to identify the cause of their shaking, what to do when your mini dachshund shakes, and how to prevent it from happening. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of why your mini dachshund shakes and how to help them.

Key Takeaway:

  • There are several reasons why mini dachshunds shake, including physical health issues, anxiety, and cold weather.
  • Identifying the cause of shaking can help you determine if it’s a physical or behavioral issue, and what steps to take to help your dog.
  • You can prevent shaking in your mini dachshund by providing a comfortable environment, regular exercise, and proper nutrition.

Reasons why mini dachshunds shake

Understanding the reasons behind your mini dachshund‘s shaking is the first step in helping them.

Physical reasons:

Cold Weather: Mini dachshunds are prone to shivering in cold weather. Their small size and thin fur make them more susceptible to the cold. If you notice your mini dachshund shaking after being outside in cold weather, it’s likely due to being cold.

Nervousness or Anxiety: Mini dachshunds, like many dogs, can experience nervousness or anxiety in certain situations, such as during thunderstorms or fireworks. This anxiety can cause them to shake or shiver.

Medical Conditions: Shaking can also be a sign of underlying medical conditions. Here are some of the medical conditions that can cause mini dachshunds to shake:

  • Hypoglycemia: Low blood sugar levels can cause mini dachshunds to shake, act lethargic, and lose their appetite.
  • Pain: If your mini dachshund is in pain, they may shake as a response. Pain can be caused by a variety of medical conditions, such as arthritis or dental problems.
  • Seizures: Seizures can cause shaking, convulsions, and loss of consciousness in dogs.
  • Inner Ear Infections: Inner ear infections can cause balance issues and, as a result, shaking or tilting of the head.
  • Intervertebral Disc Disease: This condition affects the spine and can cause pain, weakness, and shaking in the limbs.

Behavioral reasons:

Excitement: Mini dachshunds can shake with excitement, especially when they’re about to go on a walk or play with their favorite toy.

Fear: Fear can cause mini dachshunds to shake or shiver. Fear can be caused by a variety of things, such as loud noises, strangers, or other animals.

Submission: Mini dachshunds may shake as a sign of submission to other dogs or humans.

Attention-Seeking: Some mini dachshunds may shake to get attention from their owners. This behavior may be learned if the dog has been rewarded with attention in the past.

Understanding the reasons why your mini dachshund shakes can help you identify whether it’s a physical or behavioral issue. In the next section, we’ll discuss how to identify the cause of your mini dachshund’s shaking.

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How to identify if your mini dachshund is shaking for a physical or behavioral reason

Identifying the cause of your mini dachshund’s shaking is crucial to determine if it’s a physical or behavioral issue. Here are some ways to identify the cause:

  1. Observe the Situation: Take note of the situations in which your mini dachshund shakes. If they only shake during thunderstorms or fireworks, it’s likely due to anxiety. If they shake after coming in from the cold, it’s likely due to being cold.
  2. Check for Signs of Pain: If your mini dachshund is shaking and seems lethargic or in pain, it may be due to an underlying medical condition. Check for any signs of pain, such as limping or favoring a particular limb.
  3. Look for Other Symptoms: If your mini dachshund is shaking and exhibiting other symptoms, such as loss of appetite or vomiting, it’s likely due to a medical condition.
  4. Consider Your Mini Dachshund’s Behavior: If your mini dachshund is shaking to get attention, it’s likely due to a behavioral issue. If they’re shaking out of fear or submission, it’s also likely due to a behavioral issue.

If you’re unsure of the cause of your mini dachshund’s shaking, it’s best to take them to a veterinarian. The vet can perform a physical examination and run any necessary tests to determine if there’s an underlying medical condition.

Once you’ve identified the cause of your mini dachshund’s shaking, you can take steps to address the issue. If it’s due to a medical condition, your vet may prescribe medication or recommend a specific treatment plan. If it’s due to a behavioral issue, you may need to work with a trainer or behaviorist to modify your mini dachshund’s behavior.

It’s important to remember that shaking can be a sign of a serious medical condition. If you’re concerned about your mini dachshund’s shaking, don’t hesitate to take them to the vet for a check-up.

Related: When Do Mini Dachshunds Shed?

What to do when your mini dachshund is shaking

Now that you understand the reasons behind your mini dachshund’s shaking, let’s talk about what you can do when you notice your furry friend shaking. Here are some tips to help you deal with your mini dachshund’s shaking:

  1. Stay Calm: The first thing you should do when you notice your mini dachshund shaking is to remain calm. Your dog can sense your anxiety and may become more anxious or agitated if you react negatively.
  2. Identify the Cause: Once you notice your dog shaking, try to identify the cause. Is it a physical or behavioral reason? As discussed earlier, physical reasons can include pain, cold, or illness, while behavioral reasons may include anxiety, fear, or excitement.
  3. Provide Comfort: If your mini dachshund is shaking due to a physical reason such as being cold, provide a warm blanket or a sweater to help your dog feel more comfortable. If your dog is shaking due to a behavioral reason, such as anxiety or fear, offer comforting words, petting, or treats to help calm them down.
  4. Seek Veterinary Assistance: If you notice that your mini dachshund is shaking frequently or persistently, it may be necessary to seek veterinary assistance. Your veterinarian can diagnose the underlying cause of the shaking and recommend appropriate treatment.
  5. Training and Behavioral Modification: If your mini dachshund is shaking due to behavioral reasons, training and behavioral modification techniques may be necessary. Consult with your veterinarian or a professional dog trainer to learn how to help your dog overcome their anxiety or fear.
  6. Medications: In some cases, medication may be necessary to treat your mini dachshund’s shaking. However, medication should always be prescribed and administered by a licensed veterinarian.

How to prevent shaking in mini dachshunds

While it may not be possible to prevent all instances of shaking in mini dachshunds, there are several steps that owners can take to reduce the likelihood of their dog experiencing this behavior.

  1. Maintain a Consistent Routine: Mini dachshunds are creatures of habit and thrive on routine. Maintaining a consistent schedule for feeding, exercise, and playtime can help reduce stress and anxiety, which can contribute to shaking.
  2. Socialization: Socialization is an important part of any dog’s development, and it can be especially important for reducing anxiety and fear in mini dachshunds. Exposure to new people, places, and experiences can help build confidence and reduce the likelihood of shaking.
  3. Positive Reinforcement Training: Positive reinforcement training, which involves rewarding desired behaviors and ignoring or redirecting unwanted behaviors, can help build trust and confidence in mini dachshunds. This can help reduce anxiety and fear, which can contribute to shaking.
  4. Provide Comfort and Security: Mini dachshunds often enjoy having a cozy place to curl up, such as a bed or crate. Providing a comfortable, secure space for your dog can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation, which can reduce the likelihood of shaking.
  5. Consult with a Veterinarian: If your mini dachshund is experiencing frequent or severe shaking, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions. They may also be able to provide additional guidance on how to reduce your dog’s anxiety and prevent shaking.

By taking these steps, owners can help reduce the likelihood of their mini dachshund experiencing shaking, while also promoting their overall health and wellbeing.


Mini dachshunds are wonderful pets that bring joy and love to their owners. However, when they start shaking, it can be concerning and worrisome. Shaking in mini dachshunds can have physical or behavioral causes, and it is important to identify the root cause to provide appropriate treatment. If the shaking is due to a physical issue, such as a medical condition, it is crucial to seek veterinary care immediately. On the other hand, if the shaking is due to behavioral reasons, owners can try various techniques to help calm their dog, such as creating a comfortable and safe environment or providing positive reinforcement.

Preventing shaking in mini dachshunds involves keeping them healthy and happy. Providing regular exercise, a healthy diet, and mental stimulation can go a long way in ensuring their overall well-being. Additionally, owners can work on building a strong bond with their pets, providing a sense of security and comfort that can prevent stress and anxiety.

In conclusion, shaking in mini dachshunds can be a sign of an underlying issue, and owners must take appropriate steps to address it. With proper care and attention, mini dachshunds can live happy, healthy lives, free from shaking and other health issues.