What Do Miniature Dachshunds Like to Do? Fun Activities and Tips for a Happy Pup

Miniature dachshunds are an adorable and beloved breed of dog that have become increasingly popular in recent years. Known for their long, low-slung bodies and friendly personalities, these dogs are the perfect companion for those looking for a loyal and loving pet. However, it is important to understand the needs and preferences of miniature dachshunds in order to keep them happy and healthy.

In this blog post, we will delve into what miniature dachshunds like to do, exploring their physical and mental activity needs, socialization requirements, and relaxation preferences. By the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of how to care for and entertain your miniature dachshund, helping to ensure that they live a long and fulfilling life.

So, whether you are a new owner of a miniature dachshund or have been a longtime fan of the breed, join us as we explore the wonderful world of miniature dachshunds and their favorite activities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Miniature Dachshunds enjoy physical activity, mental stimulation, socialization, relaxation, and human interaction.
  • Regular exercise and mental stimulation are essential to their overall well-being and can prevent destructive behavior.
  • Providing a balance of activities, including playtime and relaxation, can keep your Miniature Dachshund happy and healthy.

Background on miniature dachshunds

Miniature dachshunds are smaller than standard dachshunds and are a breed of dog that originated in Germany in the 19th century. They were originally bred to hunt badgers, and their long, low-slung bodies were ideal for getting into small burrows and tunnels. Today, miniature dachshunds are known for their loyal and loving personalities, as well as their unique physical features.

One of the most distinctive features of miniature dachshunds is their body shape. They have a long, muscular body with short legs, which gives them a low-to-the-ground appearance. This body type can lead to health problems if they become overweight, so it is important to keep them at a healthy weight through regular exercise and a balanced diet.

In addition to their physical appearance, miniature dachshunds are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities. They are affectionate with their owners and love to cuddle, but they can also be independent and stubborn at times. This means that training and socialization are important for ensuring that they are well-behaved and well-adjusted.

There are three different types of miniature dachshunds: smooth-haired, wire-haired, and long-haired. The smooth-haired variety has a short, shiny coat, while the wire-haired variety has a rougher, more wiry coat. The long-haired variety has a silky, flowing coat that requires more grooming. All three types come in a variety of colors, including black, chocolate, cream, red, and more.

Physical activity

Despite their small size, miniature dachshunds are an active breed that require regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. They have a lot of energy and love to play, so providing them with opportunities to burn off that energy is important.

One way to ensure that your miniature dachshund gets enough physical activity is to take them for daily walks. They enjoy going on walks and exploring their surroundings, and it also provides an opportunity for them to socialize with other dogs and people. However, it is important to be careful not to overdo it, especially with younger or older dogs. Walking for 20-30 minutes a day is usually sufficient for most miniature dachshunds.

In addition to walking, playing games with your miniature dachshund can also be a great way to keep them active. They love chasing after toys and playing fetch, and these activities can help to build their muscles and improve their coordination. It’s important to choose toys that are appropriate for their size and play style, and to always supervise them during playtime to ensure their safety.

Another activity that miniature dachshunds enjoy is digging. As a breed that was originally bred for hunting, digging comes naturally to them. Providing them with a designated digging area in your yard can be a great way to satisfy their natural instincts and keep them entertained. Just be sure to supervise them during this activity and make sure they are not digging in areas where they could harm themselves or your property.

Mental stimulation

Miniature Dachshunds are intelligent dogs that enjoy engaging in activities that challenge their minds. Mental stimulation is important for their well-being and can prevent destructive behavior caused by boredom. Here are some ways to provide mental stimulation for your Miniature Dachshund:

  • Puzzle toys: Puzzle toys challenge your dog’s problem-solving skills and can keep them entertained for hours. You can find a variety of puzzle toys on the market, such as treat-dispensing toys or interactive puzzles.
  • Training: Miniature Dachshunds are trainable dogs and enjoy learning new tricks. Training not only provides mental stimulation but also strengthens the bond between you and your dog. You can teach your dog basic obedience commands, agility, or even scent work.
  • Hide and seek: Miniature Dachshunds have a strong sense of smell, and playing hide and seek with them can be an excellent way to provide mental stimulation. You can hide treats or toys around your home and encourage your dog to find them.
  • Nose work: Nose work is an activity that involves teaching your dog to use their sense of smell to find specific scents. This activity can be mentally stimulating and challenging for your dog, and it’s also a great way to bond with them.
  • Interactive play: Interactive play can provide mental stimulation for your dog and keep them entertained. You can play games such as tug-of-war, fetch, or hide and seek to keep your dog’s mind engaged.

It’s important to remember that mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise for your Miniature Dachshund’s overall well-being. By providing your dog with opportunities to engage in mentally stimulating activities, you can help prevent destructive behavior and promote a happy and healthy lifestyle.


Miniature dachshunds are social creatures and enjoy spending time with their owners, as well as other dogs and people. However, it is important to properly socialize them from a young age to prevent behavioral issues and ensure that they are comfortable around others. Here are some ways to socialize your miniature dachshund:

  • Introduce them to other dogs: Take your miniature dachshund to the dog park or arrange playdates with other dogs. This will help them learn how to interact with other dogs and prevent them from becoming fearful or aggressive.
  • Introduce them to new people: Have your friends and family members visit your home and interact with your miniature dachshund. This will help them become comfortable around new people and prevent them from developing separation anxiety.
  • Enroll them in obedience classes: Obedience classes are a great way to socialize your miniature dachshund and teach them basic commands. They will also have the opportunity to interact with other dogs and people in a controlled environment.
  • Take them on walks: Taking your miniature dachshund on walks will expose them to new sights, sounds, and smells, which will help them become more comfortable in different environments.

It is important to remember that socialization is an ongoing process and should be continued throughout your miniature dachshund’s life. With proper socialization, they will be well-adjusted and happy members of your family.


Just like humans, dogs also need to rest and relax to maintain good physical and mental health. Relaxation is an essential part of a Miniature Dachshund’s daily routine, and it helps them to reduce stress and anxiety, prevent boredom, and recharge their energy levels. Here are some ways to help your Miniature Dachshund relax:

  • Provide a cozy and comfortable resting place: Miniature Dachshunds love to snuggle up in cozy beds or blankets. Make sure your dog has a comfortable resting place that is quiet, free from distractions, and away from high traffic areas in your home.
  • Use calming scents: Aromatherapy can be helpful in promoting relaxation in dogs. Essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, and peppermint can have a calming effect on dogs. Just make sure to use only a small amount of essential oil and always dilute it with a carrier oil such as coconut oil.
  • Massage: Just like humans, dogs also love a good massage. Massaging your Miniature Dachshund can help reduce anxiety, soothe sore muscles, and promote relaxation. Use gentle circular motions, and start at the neck and work your way down to the tail.
  • Play calming music: Soft and calming music can help to soothe your Miniature Dachshund and create a relaxing environment. You can find calming music designed specifically for dogs on YouTube or Spotify.
  • Schedule downtime: Miniature Dachshunds are known for their high energy levels, but they also need downtime to relax and recharge. Make sure to schedule some quiet time each day where your dog can relax and unwind.

Relaxation is an essential part of a Miniature Dachshund’s daily routine. By providing a comfortable resting place, using calming scents, massaging your dog, playing calming music, and scheduling downtime, you can help your Miniature Dachshund to reduce stress and anxiety, prevent boredom, and maintain good physical and mental health.


In conclusion, miniature dachshunds are a beloved breed that require a certain level of care and attention to thrive. Ensuring they receive enough physical activity, mental stimulation, socialization, and relaxation is key to their overall health and well-being.

Owners should provide opportunities for daily walks or runs, as well as playtime and interactive toys to keep their dachshunds mentally stimulated. Socialization with both humans and other dogs is important to prevent anxiety and aggression. Finally, allowing for relaxation time, such as snuggling on the couch or taking a nap, can help reduce stress levels and promote a healthy lifestyle.

By following these guidelines, owners can help their miniature dachshunds live happy and healthy lives. Remember to always consult with a veterinarian for specific care recommendations and to address any health concerns. With the right care and attention, miniature dachshunds can be loyal and loving companions for years to come.