How Often Do Mini Dachshunds Poop? An Owners Guide

If you’re a mini dachshund owner, you know that these little dogs are full of personality and love. However, with their cute demeanor comes a lot of responsibility, including making sure they are healthy and happy. One aspect of their health that is often overlooked is their poop schedule. In this article, we’ll discuss how often mini dachshunds poop and what factors can affect their poop schedule.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mini dachshunds typically poop 1-3 times per day, but this can be affected by age, diet, and activity level.
  • Tips for maintaining a healthy mini dachshund poop schedule include establishing a routine, monitoring their diet, giving them plenty of water, exercising and playing with them, and monitoring their poop.
  • Signs of constipation in mini dachshunds include straining to poop, dry and hard stools, and decreased appetite, and it’s essential to take them to the vet if you suspect they are constipated.

What is a Normal Poop Schedule for Mini Dachshunds?

Like all dogs, mini dachshunds need to poop regularly to stay healthy. Generally, a healthy mini dachshund will poop anywhere from 1-3 times per day. However, some may poop more or less frequently depending on their age, diet, and activity level.


Age is a significant factor when it comes to a mini dachshund’s poop schedule. Puppies will need to poop more frequently than adult dogs, with some puppies needing to go as often as every 2 hours. As they get older, their poop schedule will become more regular and less frequent.


What your mini dachshund eats can also affect their poop schedule. A high-fiber diet can help regulate their bowel movements, while a low-fiber diet can result in constipation or irregular bowel movements. It’s essential to feed your mini dachshund a high-quality diet that meets their nutritional needs and includes enough fiber.

Activity Level

The amount of exercise and activity your mini dachshund gets can also affect their poop schedule. A more active dog may need to poop more frequently than a less active dog.

When Should You Be Concerned About Your Mini Dachshund’s Poop Schedule?

While mini dachshunds generally have a regular poop schedule, there are times when you should be concerned if they are not pooping as often as they should be. Here are some signs to look out for:


If your mini dachshund hasn’t pooped in more than a day or two, they may be constipated. Signs of constipation can include straining to poop, dry and hard stools, and decreased appetite. If you suspect your mini dachshund is constipated, it’s essential to take them to the vet.


On the other end of the spectrum, if your mini dachshund is pooping more frequently than normal and their stool is loose or watery, they may have diarrhea. Diarrhea can be caused by a variety of factors, including a change in diet or a gastrointestinal infection. If your mini dachshund has diarrhea for more than a day or two, it’s essential to take them to the vet.

Blood in Stool

If you notice blood in your mini dachshund’s stool, it’s a sign that something may be wrong. Blood in the stool can be caused by a variety of issues, including parasites, gastrointestinal infections, or even cancer. If you notice blood in your mini dachshund’s stool, take them to the vet right away.

Related: How Are Mini Dachshunds Bred?

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Poop Schedule for Your Mini Dachshund

Now that you know what a healthy poop schedule looks like for your mini dachshund and when to be concerned, here are some tips for maintaining their poop schedule:

Establish a Routine

Establishing a routine for your mini dachshund can help regulate their bowel movements. Try to take them for a walk at the same time each day and feed them at the same time each day.

Monitor Their Diet

Make sure you’re feeding your mini dachshund a high-quality diet that meets their nutritional needs and includes enough fiber. If you’re unsure what to feed your mini dachshund, talk to your veterinarian.

Give Them Plenty of Water

Make sure your mini dachshund has access to plenty of fresh water at all times. Dehydration can cause constipation, so it’s essential to keep them hydrated.

Exercise and Play

Regular exercise and playtime can help regulate your mini dachshund’s bowel movements. Try to take them for a walk or play with them for at least 30 minutes each day.

Monitor Their Poop

Keep an eye on your mini dachshund’s poop to make sure it’s regular and healthy. If you notice any changes in their poop, such as color, texture, or frequency, talk to your veterinarian.

Related: Can You Breed a Standard Dachshund with A Miniature Dachshund?


Mini dachshunds are adorable little dogs that require a lot of love and care, including maintaining a healthy poop schedule. While a healthy mini dachshund will generally poop 1-3 times per day, there are factors that can affect their poop schedule, such as age, diet, and activity level. By establishing a routine, monitoring their diet, giving them plenty of water, exercising and playing with them, and monitoring their poop, you can help ensure your mini dachshund has a healthy poop schedule and stays happy and healthy.