How Much Maintenance Do Mini Dachshunds Need?

As a proud owner of a mini dachshund, I’m often asked if this breed of dog is high maintenance. The answer to this question isn’t always straightforward. The maintenance level of any dog breed depends on several factors, including grooming needs, exercise requirements, training and socialization needs, health issues, and diet.

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at mini dachshunds and examine each of these factors to determine whether they’re a high-maintenance breed.

Key takeaways:

  • Mini dachshunds have a short, sleek coat and moderate shedding, requiring minimal grooming.
  • Their exercise needs are relatively low, but they do require daily dental care and a high-quality diet.
  • While they can be challenging to train, with patience and consistency, they can be well-trained pets.

Factors that contribute to a dog breed’s maintenance level

Before we dive into mini dachshunds specifically, it’s essential to understand the various factors that contribute to a dog breed’s maintenance level.

  1. Coat Type and Grooming – Needs Some breeds have long, flowing hair that requires daily brushing and frequent grooming. Others have short, sleek coats that need minimal upkeep. Understanding your dog’s coat type is crucial to managing their grooming needs.
  2. Exercise Requirements – All dogs need exercise to maintain their physical and mental health. Some breeds require more exercise than others, depending on their size, energy level, and overall health.
  3. Training and Socialization Needs – Training and socialization are essential for any dog. Some breeds are easier to train and socialize than others, while some may require more patience and consistency.
  4. Health Issues and Veterinary Care – Some breeds are more prone to certain health issues, which may require more frequent visits to the veterinarian. This can add to the overall maintenance level of the breed.
  5. Diet and Nutrition – A dog’s diet and nutrition are crucial to their overall health and wellbeing. Some breeds have specific dietary needs, which can impact their maintenance level.

Related: Are Mini Dachshunds Yappy?

Mini dachshunds: A closer look

Mini dachshunds are a popular breed, known for their long bodies, short legs, and adorable faces. They come in a variety of colors and patterns and are beloved for their unique personalities.

Let’s take a closer look at each of the maintenance factors we discussed and how they apply to mini dachshunds.

  1. Coat Type and Grooming Needs – Mini dachshunds have a short, sleek coat that requires minimal upkeep. They shed moderately and only need to be brushed once or twice a week to remove loose hair and keep their coat looking shiny. Their nails should be trimmed regularly, and their teeth should be brushed daily to prevent dental issues.
  2. Exercise Requirements – Like all dogs, mini dachshunds need daily exercise to stay healthy and happy. However, their exercise needs are relatively low compared to other breeds, and they can get most of their exercise from indoor playtime or short walks.
  3. Training and Socialization – Needs Mini dachshunds are known for being stubborn and strong-willed, which can make them more challenging to train. However, with consistent training and positive reinforcement, they can be trained just like any other breed. Socialization is also essential for mini dachshunds, as they can be wary of strangers and other animals if not properly socialized.
  4. Health Issues and Veterinary Care – Mini dachshunds are prone to some health issues, including back problems, dental issues, and obesity. However, with proper care and regular veterinary check-ups, these issues can be prevented or managed effectively.
  5. Diet and Nutrition – Mini dachshunds have specific dietary needs, and it’s essential to feed them a high-quality dog food that meets their nutritional requirements. Overfeeding can lead to obesity, which can exacerbate their back problems and other health issues.

Related: Are Miniature Dachshunds Good Dogs?

Are mini dachshunds high maintenance?

Now that we’ve examined each of the maintenance factors and how they apply to mini dachshunds, we can answer the question: are mini dachshunds high maintenance?

Overall, mini dachshunds are a relatively low-maintenance breed. Their short coat requires minimal grooming, and their exercise needs are relatively low. While they can be challenging to train, with patience and consistency, they can be well-trained pets.

However, it’s essential to remember that all dogs require some level of maintenance, and mini dachshunds are no exception. They require regular veterinary check-ups, daily dental care, and a high-quality diet to maintain their overall health.


In summary, if you’re considering getting a mini dachshund, know that they’re not a high-maintenance breed, but they do require some level of care and attention. With proper care, they can be wonderful, loyal companions for years to come.