Can Miniature Dachshunds Be Left Alone? The Ultimate Guide

Are you considering bringing a miniature dachshund into your home, but worried about leaving them alone during the day? Many prospective dog owners wonder whether this small and lively breed can handle being by themselves for extended periods.

In this article, we’ll explore the independence of miniature dachshunds and provide you with helpful tips on how to ensure their well-being while you’re away.

Key Takeaway:

  • Miniature dachshunds can be left alone for short periods but require a safe space and entertainment.
  • Crate training can be a useful tool in helping your dog feel comfortable when left alone.
  • Consider hiring a dog sitter or using doggy daycare if you’re unable to be home with your dog during the day.

The Personality of Miniature Dachshunds

Miniature dachshunds are a unique breed with a lively personality. They are known for their energy, playfulness, and affectionate nature towards their owners. Despite their small size, they have a big personality and love to be the center of attention.

While miniature dachshunds are friendly and loving, they can also be stubborn and independent. This independent streak can make them more comfortable being left alone than other breeds. However, this doesn’t mean that they can handle being alone for extended periods.

Understanding Separation Anxiety

All dogs, including miniature dachshunds, can experience separation anxiety. This is a condition that occurs when a dog becomes anxious and distressed when separated from their owner. This can lead to destructive behaviors such as excessive barking, chewing, and digging.

If you notice that your miniature dachshund is experiencing separation anxiety, it’s essential to address the issue. This can involve working with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist to help your dog become more comfortable being alone.

How Long Can Miniature Dachshunds Be Left Alone?

While miniature dachshunds are an independent breed, they should not be left alone for extended periods in your apartment or home. As a general rule, dogs should not be left alone for more than four hours at a time. However, this can vary depending on the dog’s age, health, and temperament.

For miniature dachshunds, it’s recommended that they are not left alone for more than six hours at a time. This allows them to go to the bathroom, get some exercise, and have some interaction with their owner or a caregiver.

Related: When Will My Miniature Dachshund Sleep Through the Night?

Preparing Your Home for Your Absence

When leaving your miniature dachshund alone, it’s essential to prepare your home for their well-being. This can involve:

  • Providing access to fresh water and food
  • Creating a designated safe space for your dog
  • Ensuring that your home is free of hazards
  • Removing any dangerous objects or chemicals

Safe Spaces and Crate Training

Safe spaces can help your miniature dachshund feel more secure and comfortable when you’re away. This can be a room or area of your home where your dog has access to food, water, and toys. You can also provide a comfortable bed or crate for your dog to rest in.

Crate training can also be helpful for miniature dachshunds, as it gives them a safe and secure place to rest while you’re away. However, it’s essential to introduce your dog to the crate gradually and make it a positive experience. You should also ensure that the crate is the right size for your dog and that they have enough space to move around and stand up.

Entertainment and Stimulation

To prevent boredom and destructive behaviors, it’s important to provide your miniature dachshund with plenty of entertainment and stimulation while you’re away. This can include:

  • Interactive toys such as puzzle feeders
  • Chew toys and bones to keep them occupied
  • Leaving the TV or radio on for background noise
  • Providing access to a window or door for stimulation

Related: What Do Mini Dachshunds Hunt?

Socialization and Exercise

Miniature dachshunds are an active breed that requires regular exercise and socialization. This can involve taking your dog for walks, playing fetch, and providing them with plenty of opportunities to interact with other dogs and people.

If you’re unable to provide your dog with enough exercise and socialization, you may want to consider hiring a dog walker or using a doggy daycare service. Owning a pair of mini dachshunds will also provide more stimulation and companionship when left alone.

The Benefits of Hiring a Dog Sitter or Using Doggy Daycare

If you’re unable to be home with your miniature dachshund during the day, there are several options available to ensure their well-being. Hiring a dog sitter or using a doggy daycare service can provide your dog with much-needed interaction, exercise, and stimulation while you’re away.


Miniature dachshunds are an independent breed that can handle being alone for short periods. However, it’s important to provide them with a safe space, entertainment, and exercise to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors. If you’re unable to be home with your dog during the day, consider hiring a dog sitter or using doggy daycare to ensure their well-being.